Wildlife Research
Volume 19 Number 2 1992
WR9920137Home-Range Size and Fidelity of Western Grey Kangaroos (Macropus Fuliginosus) Living in Remnants of Wandoo Woodland and Adjacent Farmland.
GW Arnold, DE Steven, A Grassia and J Weeldenburg
pp. 137-143
WR9920145Effect of flooding on field populations of house mice (Mus domesticus)
LE Twigg and BJ Kay
pp. 145-149
WR9920151Entanglement of Australian fur seals in man-made debris in Tasmanian waters
D Pemberton, NP Brothers and R Kirkwood
pp. 151-159
WR9920161Breeding and movements of wing-tagged silver gulls (Larus novaehollandiae) at the largest colony in New South Wales
GC Smith, N Carlile and S Tully
pp. 161-167
WR9920179Feral Pigs, Rainforest Conservation and Exotic Disease in North Queensland.
PM Pavlov, FHJ Crome and LA Moore
pp. 179-193
WR9920195Reproduction in captive and wild dingoes (Canis familiaris dingo) in temperate and arid environments of Australia
PC Catling, LK Corbett and AE Newsome
pp. 195-209
WR9920221Concentrations of lead in bone and other tissues of Victorian waterfowl
RJ Wickson, FI Norman, GJ Bacher and JS Garnham
pp. 221-231