Australian Wildlife Research
Volume 17 Number 5 1990
WR9900467Habitat Requirements of the Mountain Brushtail Possum and the Greater Glider in the Montane Ash-Type Eucalypt Forests of the Central Highlands of Victoria
DB Lindenmayer, RB Cunningham, MT Tanton, AP Smith and HA Nix
pp. 467-478
WR9900479Diet of 2 Sympatric Australian Sub-Alpine Rodents, Mastacomys-Fuscus and Rattus-Fuscipes
PL Carron, DCD Happold and TM Bubela
pp. 479-489
WR9900491Age Estimation and Growth-Rates of Captive and Wild Pouch Young of Petrogale-Assimilis
R Delaney and G Death
pp. 491-499
WR9900501The Accuracy of a Radiotracking System for Monitoring Honeyeater Movements
GH Pyke and PJ Oconnor
pp. 501-509
WR9900511The Distribution and Abundance of Dugongs in the Great-Barrier-Reef-Marine-Park South of Cape Bedford
H Marsh and WK Saalfeld
pp. 511-524
WR9900525Evaluation of a Warfarin Poisoning Programme for Feral Pigs (Sus Scrofa).
G Saunders, B Kay and B Parker
pp. 525-533
WR9900535Differences in the Physiological-Response to Cold in Wild and Laboratory-Bred Mountain Pygmy Possums, Burramys-Parvus (Marsupialia)
F Geiser, HS Sink, B Stahl, IM Mansergh and LS Broome
pp. 535-539