Australian Wildlife Research
Volume 15 Number 6 1988
WR9880595Diurnal and Nocturnal Habitat Utilisation by the Whiptail Wallaby, Macropus Parryi.
CJ Southwell, CJ Southwell, MS Fletcher and MS Fletcher
pp. 595-603
WR9880615The Relationship Between Prey Size and Handling Time and Prey Size and Capture Success in 3 Sympatric Species of Dasyurid Marsupials
MC Calver, JS Bradley and DR King
pp. 615-623
WR9880625Recreational Waterfowl Hunting Activity and Harvests in Northern-Territory, Australia
PJ Whitehead, P Bayliss and RE Fox
pp. 625-631
WR9880637Use of Roost Sites by Four Species of Bats in State Forest in South-Eastern Tasmania.
RJ Taylor and NM Savva
pp. 637-645
WR9880673A Comparison of Grid and Index-Line Trapping Methods for Small Mammal Surveys
VT Read, KWJ Malafant and K Myers
pp. 673-687
WR9880689A Compact Frequency-Synthesized Receiver for Radio-Tracking Fruit Bats
HJ Spencer
pp. 689-693