Australian Wildlife Research
Volume 14 Number 3 1987
WR9870257Comparison of Growth of Pouch Young of the Tasmanian Bettong, Bettongia-Gaimardi, in Captivity and in the Wild
RJ Taylor and RW Rose
pp. 257-262
WR9870285Den Sites of Possums, Trichosurus-Vulpecula, and Frequency of Use in Mixed Hardwood Forest in Westland, New-Zealand
WQ Green and JD Coleman
pp. 285-292
WR9870311A Remotely Switched Passive Null-Peak Network for Animal Tracking and Radio Direction Finding
HJ Spencer, G Lucas and P Oconnor
pp. 311-317
WR9870331Comparison of Bird Populations in Remnants of Wandoo Woodland and in Adjacent Farmland.
GW Arnold, RA Maller and R Litchfield
pp. 331-341