Australian Wildlife Research
Volume 11 Number 1 1984
WR9840021Growth of the Eastern Quoll, Dasyurus viverrinus (Shaw), (Marsupialia) in Captivity
JC Merchant, K Newgrain and B Green
pp. 21-29
WR9840083A Systematic Technique for Census of Sugar Gliders and other Small Arboreal Mammals
AP Smith and K Phillips
pp. 83-87
WR9840089Daytime Locations of European Rabbits at Three Localities in South -Western Australia
DR King, SH Wheeler and MH Robinson
pp. 89-92
WR9840093Estimation of the Density of Feral Goats in Part of Arid South Australia by means of the Peterson Estimate
RP Henzell and PI McCloud
pp. 93-102
WR9840103The Toxicity and Acceptability of Warfarin and 1080 Poison to Penned Feral Pigs.
J Hone and R Kleba
pp. 103-111
WR9840113Breeding, Distribution and Status of Barrow-nesting Petrels at Maqaurie Island
NP Brothers
pp. 113-131
WR9840145The Breeding Ecology of Twelve Species of Diurnal Raptor in North-Western Victoria.
DJ Baker-Gabb
pp. 145-160
WR9840161Population Density and Habitat Use by Megapodius freycinet eremita in West Britain
LS Broome, KD Bishop and DR Anderson
pp. 161-171
WR9840201Technical Note: Cloacal Sexual of Hatchling Crocodiles
GJW Webb, S.C. Manolis and GC Sack
pp. 201-202