Australian Wildlife Research
Volume 9 Number 1 1982
WR9820009Growth of Grey Kangaroos and the Reliability of Age Determination from Body Meausrements I. The Eastern Grey Kangaroo, Macropus giganteus
WE Poole, SM Carpenter and JT Wood
pp. 9-20
WR9820027Reproduction of the Red-Bellied Pademelon Thylogale billardierii (Marsupialia)
RW Rose and DJ McCatney
pp. 27-32
WR9820033Reproduction of the Red-Bellied Pademelon Thylogale billardierii, and Age Estimation of Pouch Young
RW Rose and DJ McCatney
pp. 33-38
WR9820055 Analysis of Stomach Contents of Dugongs From Queensland.
H Marsh, PW Channells, GE Heinsohn and J Morrissey
pp. 55-67
WR9820101The Behaviour of Feral Pigs, Sus scrofa, in Flocks of Lambing Ewes
PM Pavlov and J Hone
pp. 101-109
WR9820111Ecology of the Feral Cat, Felis catus (L.), in South-Eastern Australia II.* Reproduction
E Jones and BJ Coman
pp. 111-119
WR9820121Coat Colour and Fittness of Rabbits on Macquarie Island
IJ Skira, NP Brothers and GR Copson
pp. 121-123
WR9820125Field Evaluation of 1080 and Pindone Oat Bait, and the Possible Decline in Effectiveness of Poison Baiting for the Control of the Rabbit, Oryctolagus Cuniculus.
AJ Oliver, SH Wheeler and CD Gooding
pp. 125-134
WR9820145Do Post-Hatching Factors Limit Clutch Size in the Cape BArren Goose, Cereopsis novaehollandiae Latham?
SM Pellis and VC Pellis
pp. 145-149
WR9820151Food of the Chestnut Teal, Anas Castanea, in the Gippsland Lakes Region of Victoria.
FI Norman and L Mumford
pp. 151-155