Australian Wildlife Research
Volume 7 Number 3 1980
WR9800339The Rediscovery of the Bridled Nail-Tailed Wallaby, Onychogalea fraenata (Gould) (Marsupialia: Macropodidae)
G Gordon and BC Lawrie
pp. 339-345
WR9800379Breeding of a Captive Colony of Notomys fuscus Wood Jones (Rodentia : Muridae)
HJ Aslin and CHS Watts
pp. 379-383
WR9800403Leopard Seals, Hyrurga leptonyx (Pinnipedia), at Macquarie Island from 1949 to 1979
D Rounsevell and I Eberhard
pp. 403-415
WR9800433The Diet of the Wedge-Tailed Eagle, Aquila Audax, in Western Australia.
MG Brooker and MG Ridpath
pp. 433-452
WR9800465An Aerial Survey of Potential Nesting Areas of Crocodylus prosus on the West Coast of Cape York Peninsula
WE Magnusson, GC Grigg and JA Taylor
pp. 465-478
WR9800479A Description of Developmental Stages in Crocodylus porosus, for Use in Aging Eggs in the Field*
WE Magnusson and JA Taylor
pp. 479-485
WR9800493A Device to Prevent the Fouling of Stock Troughs by Cape Barren Geese
SJ Cowling and C Nancarrow
pp. 493-493