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Wildlife Research Wildlife Research Society
Ecology, management and conservation in natural and modified habitats

Field Immobilisation of Tasmanian Devils (Sarcophilus Harrisii) With Ketamine Hydrochloride and Xylazine Hydrocholoride.

D Pemberton and N Gales

Wildlife Research 18(6) 695 - 698
Published: 1991


A combination of the dissociative anaesthetic ketamine hydrochloride and the sedative xylazine hydrochloride was used on 17 Tasmanian devils, and ketamine hydrochloride only on a further 4 animals, in the field. A dosage of 4-5 mg ketamine hydrochloride per kg body weight and 0.4-0.8 mg xylazine hydrochloride per kg body weight, administered via an intramuscular injection, resulted in short induction times (2-10 min), short recovery times (15-63 min) and 88% of the animals being unable to resist handling. The ease with which drugs were injected, and the apparent lack of adverse reactions by the devils, make this form of chemical restraint appropriate for use in the field.

© CSIRO 1991

Committee on Publication Ethics

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