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Wildlife Research Wildlife Research Society
Ecology, management and conservation in natural and modified habitats

Seasonal and Diel Activity of Fresh-Water Turtles in the Murray Valley, Victoria and New South-Wales

BC Chessman

Australian Wildlife Research 15(3) 267 - 276
Published: 1988


Activity cycles of Chelodina expansa, C. longicollis and Emydura macquarii were inferred from captures in baited traps set in the Murray River and Lake Boga. C. expansa and E, macquarii were caught only from October to April, while C. longicollis was taken in all months but June and July. Minimum water temperatures at capture were highest for C. expansa and lowest for C. longicollis. Diel cycles of catch rate were often weak, but tended to be bimodal for all species, with peaks near dawn and in the afternoon or evening. Unlike the Chelodina species, E. macquarii was ofen caught near midnight. In the laboratory (at c.24°C with light:dark 12:12 h), the average diel pattern of locomotor activity was weakly bimodal in C. expansa, strongly bimodal in C. longicollis and unimodal in E. macquarii.

© CSIRO 1988

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