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Wildlife Research Wildlife Research Society
Ecology, management and conservation in natural and modified habitats

Macropod Studies at Wallaby Creek .2. Density and Distribution of Macropod Species in Relation to Environmental Variables

C Southwell

Australian Wildlife Research 14(1) 15 - 33
Published: 1987


The density and distribution of seven macropod species within a 368-ha study area in north-eastern New South Wales was determined from systematic ground transect counts. Densities of the black-striped wallaby, red-necked pademelon and long-nosed potoroo were very low. All sightings of these species were restricted to an area of high tree density and dense ground cover, and to the immediate boundary between this vegetation type and pasture. Densities of the eastern grey kangaroo, whiptail wallaby, red-necked wallaby and rufous bettong were higher; they were associated with a mosaic of grassland and open forest vegetation. Sightings of these species were sufficient to allow a detailed analysis of distribution and associations with environmental variables; their distributions did not vary seasonally. Of the three larger species, distribution varied within the day for the red-necked wallaby only. Spatial separation among the four species was related to differential use of canopy cover, pasture and topography.

© CSIRO 1987

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