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Wildlife Research Wildlife Research Society
Ecology, management and conservation in natural and modified habitats

Aging Stubble Quail, Coturnix pectoralis Gould, by using Measurements of Lengths and the Moulting Stages of the Primaries

FHJ Crome, SM Carpenter and DK Rushton

Australian Wildlife Research 8(1) 163 - 179
Published: 1981


'Measurements of the primaries at the first prebasic moult of captive stubble quail were used to assess their usefulness as aging criteria. The data from juvenile primaries 1-7 were fitted by a logistic curve, and the data from juvenile primaries 8-10 and adult primaries 1-7 by a piecewise regression model. Birds could be aged using these models up until the end of the first prebasic moult (90 days approx.). Birds could arrest primary replacement at the second prebasic moult and this complicated the assigning of birds to age classes based on the presence or absence of retained juvenile primaries 8, 9 and 10 and juvenile primary coverts. A key and tables are provided to assign birds to age classes and to calculate hatching dates of very young birds. The tables should not be used without being checked against known-age birds bred in captivity under local conditions.

© CSIRO 1981

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