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Wildlife Research Wildlife Research Society
Ecology, management and conservation in natural and modified habitats

Comparison of the Diets of Yellow-Footed Rock-Wallabies and Sympatric Herbivores in Western New South Wales.

TJ Dawson and BA Ellis

Australian Wildlife Research 6(3) 245 - 254
Published: 1979


Diet of the rare yellow-footed rock wallaby (Petrogale xanthopus) was found by study of faeces along the escarpment of the Coturaundee Range in western New South Wales, Australia. Normally 42 to 52% of the diet (estimated as the occurrence of recognizable particles within a microscope field) was of forbs, mostly small herbaceous ephemeral species. During drought the most important component was browse, 44% of diet. Grass was important. There was considerable overlap of species eaten by the rock wallabies and the introduced goats and rabbits, 75% in the case of goats during drought; rabbits were not seen in the higher parts of the escarpment. There was less competition from the euros (Macropus robustus). Control of introduced herbivores may be essential if the rock wallaby populations are to have a chance of recovery.

© CSIRO 1979

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