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Wildlife Research Wildlife Research Society
Ecology, management and conservation in natural and modified habitats

Home Range and Activity Patterns of the Sand Goanna, Varanus gouldii (Reptilia: Varanidae)

B Green and D King

Australian Wildlife Research 5(3) 417 - 424
Published: 1978


The movements of two subspecies of the sand goanna, V. gouldii, were studied at two localities in South Australia. The estimated home ranges of individuals of V.g. rosenbergi differed considerably, the largest area being 25 times the size of the smallest. Daily activity areas varied with the season, being largest in summer and smallest in winter. There were distinct differences between the two subspecies in their activity patterns, V. g. rosenbergi being active throughout the year whereas Kg. gouldii remained underground during winter.

© CSIRO 1978

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