Evaluating translocation strategies for box turtles in urbanising landscapes
Elizabeth D. Hays

B Present address:
Translocation is a common management strategy for wildlife populations, yet hard-release of reptiles, including box turtles (Terrapene spp.), has often proven ineffective due to homing attempts and wandering. Soft-release translocation has been presented as a possible method for mitigation of the negative effects of hard-release translocation, but studies incorporating standard soft-release strategies have produced mixed results and often see persistent homing attempts by soft-released study animals.
The aim of this study was to examine long-term holding (>1 year) of box turtles at an off-site location prior to translocation as a means to reduce homing attempts and wandering commonly observed in immediate-release box turtles.
We radiotracked translocated Terrapene carolina triunguis to compare movements of nine immediate-release box turtles and nine box turtles that had been maintained for >1 year at a nearby off-site holding facility (long-term holding) prior to a 750–1000 m translocation.
Box turtles held long-term before a short-distance translocation moved significantly shorter distances each day post-release than immediate-release turtles. Turtles held long-term moved in non-directional, random orientations, whereas immediate-release turtles exhibited consistent directionality in movements back towards their initial capture (home) locations.
Our results demonstrated that turtles held off-site remained within the translocation site more reliably than the immediate-release turtles, which had a higher tendency to home.
Long-term holding of turtles prior to translocation could significantly reduce homing responses and wandering, thus increasing translocation efficacy while reducing intensity of post-translocation management.
Keywords: habitat degradation, homing, radio telemetry, site fidelity, spatial ecology, Terrapene carolina triunguis, translocation, urbanisation, wildlife management.
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