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Wildlife Research Wildlife Research Society
Ecology, management and conservation in natural and modified habitats

Home range of stoats (Mustela erminea) in podocarp forest, south Westland, New Zealand: implications for a control strategy

Craig Miller, Mike Elliot and Nic Alterio

Wildlife Research 28(2) 165 - 172
Published: 2001


The home range of stoats (Mustela erminea) was determined as part of a programme to protect Okarito brown kiwi chicks (Apteryx australis) ‘Okarito’, from predation. Twenty-seven stoats were fitted with radio-transmitters and tracked in two podocarp (Podocarpaceae) forests, in south Westland, New Zealand, from July 1997 to May 1998. Home-range area was determined for 19 animals by minimum convex polygons and restricted-edge polygons, and core areas were determined by hierarchical cluster analysis. The mean home ranges of males across all seasons calculated by minimum convex polygon (210 28 ha ( s.e.)) and restricted-edge polygon (176 29 ha) were significantly larger than those of females across all seasons (89 14 ha and 82 12 ha). The mean home range of males calculated by minimum convex polygon during the breeding season (256 38 ha) was significantly larger than the mean home range pooled across the non-breeding seasons (149 16 ha), whereas that calculated by restricted-edge polygon was not significantly different. The mean home range of females during the breeding season was not significantly different from that in the non-breeding seasons when estimated by either method. Overlap of home ranges was observed within and between sexes in all seasons, with the greatest proportion of home range overlap being male–female. The mean home range of females in spring and summer is used to guide the spacing of control stations.

© CSIRO 2001

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