Australian Journal of Soil Research
Volume 25 Number 3 1987
SR9870243Observed and predicted trends from a sandy loam soil under constant and staggered evaporativity
SK Jalota and SS Prihar
pp. 243-249
SR9870251The chemistry of shallow groundwaters in the Murrumbidgee irrigation area, New South Wales
BG Williams and JK Ward
pp. 251-261
SR9870263 Evaluation of selected extractants for boron in some Queensland soils
RL Aitken, AJ Jeffrey and BL Compton
pp. 263-273
SR9870275The grouping of soils with similar charge properties as a basis for agrotechnology transfer
GP Gillman and DF Sinclair
pp. 275-285
SR9870287 Variations in the properties of iron oxides within individual specimens of lateritic duricrust
RR Anand and RJ Gilkes
pp. 287-302
SR9870303 The association of maghemite and corundum in Darling Range laterites, Western Australia
RR Anand and RJ Gilkes
pp. 303-311
SR9870313The influence of the addition of goethite to soil on the dissolution of North Carolina phosphate rock
IAK Kanabo and RJ Gilkes
pp. 313-322
SR9870323Spectroscopic and chemical differences in organic matter of two vertisols subjected to long periods of cultivation
JO Skjemstad and RC Dalal
pp. 323-335