Soybean and corn yield as affected by crop rotation and surface liming under a no-tillage system
Sandra Mara Vieira Fontoura A , Albert Matheus Melinski B , Antônio Carlos Vargas Motta

D Present address:
In no-tillage systems, surficial lime application may induce an alkalinisation front that can correct soil acidity with depth and impact crop yields.
Our objective was to determine maintenance liming rates that provide the highest yield of soybean and corn in different crop rotations and to assess the speed and persistence of surficial lime application with soil depth in a no-tillage system.
The experiment was conducted in Southern Brazil on a clayey Oxisol under no-tillage with four lime treatments (0, 3.5, 5.7, and 11.1 Mg ha−1 of dolomitic lime) and three crop rotations (for grain or biomass production). Grain yield was evaluated, and soil chemical variables were annually determined on samples collected from four soil depths over 10 years.
Soybean and corn surpassed state production levels, and grain production in winter did not compromise summer grain yield. In 10 years, the alkalinisation front reached the 40–60 cm soil layer. Application of lime at 5.7 Mg ha−1 allows for maintenance of crop yield and stable acidity levels.
In this no-tillage system, the cultivation of different winter plant species did not interfere with corn and soybean yield, lime effects in deeper soil layers, or liming need. Lime applied to the soil surface was efficient in controlling acidity in upper and deeper soil layers (up to 60 cm) in soil with high buffering capacity.
Due to slow movement, soil samples should be collected every 4 to 5 years to monitor soil acidity.
Keywords: alkalinisation front, base mobility, grain production, liming rates, Oxisol, soil acidity, soil alkalinisation.
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