Investigating phosphate-adsorption behaviour on a real ferrallitic-ferritic soil using a pluralistic approach under non-controlled conditions
C. H. Rosello

A Australian National University, Fenner School of Environment and Society, Institute of Water Futures, 141 Linnaeus Way, Acton, ACT 2601, Australia.
B Griffith University, School of Environment and Science, Australian River Institute, Nathan Campus, 170 Kessels Road, Brisbane, Qld 4111, Australia.
C University of New Caledonia, Campus de Nouville, 98851 Noumea cedex, New Caledonia.
Handling Editor: Stewart Wilson
Soil Research 61(4) 378-396
Submitted: 16 January 2022 Accepted: 17 November 2022 Published: 16 December 2022
© 2023 The Author(s) (or their employer(s)). Published by CSIRO Publishing
Context: Ferralsols, which cover approximately 6% of the Earth’s continental surface, have unique phosphorus (P) retention properties.
Aims: The research investigates P adsorption properties under non-controlled conditions on lateritic soil samples, combining different methodological approaches.
Methods: Ferralsol samples were analysed using (1) adsorption kinetics and capacities (wet chemical experiment methods), (2) scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy and (3) attenuated transmission reflectance-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR).
Key results: Wet chemical experiments accord with previous studies on lateritic soils where chemisorption mechanisms govern P adsorption. Further, P adsorption appears to affect soil particles’ structural stability and release of iron (Fe) species in solution. SEM mapping confirmed the location of P compounds in Fe-rich areas. ATR-FTIR identified two inner-sphere complexes: monodentate (FeO)PO2(OH) and bidentate (FeO)2PO(OH) at wavenumber positions 958 ± 5, 1042 ± 5 and 1095 ± 8 cm−1; and 930 ± 5, 983 ± 10, 1005 ± 5 and 1122 ± 9 cm−1, respectively. Also, a band centred at 1030 ± 4 cm−1 suggested evidence of ternary complexes for P concentrations above 500 mg P/L. Combined methods suggested the potential involvement of redox mechanisms and other ionic species in the formation and types of phosphate surface complexes.
Conclusions: Our approach builds on previous work in this field by showing evidence of complex ionic interactions governing P retention on lateritic soils. Novel insights are evidence of fluctuations in physical and chemical factors with phosphate adsorption and suggestion of inner-sphere and ternary surface complexation mechanisms.
Implications: Given the wide global distribution of lateritic Ferralsols, our findings have important implications for key emerging challenges relating to P cycling for crop production and environmental impact.
Keywords: adsorption capacities, adsorption kinetics, chemisorption, infrared spectroscopy, inner-sphere complex, lateritic soil, scanning electron microscopy, ternary surface complex.
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