Conservation agriculture influences crop yield, soil carbon content and nutrient availability in the rice–wheat system of north-west India
Parveen Kumar A , Ajay Kumar Mishra
A ICAR-Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal, 132 001 Haryana, India.
B International Rice Research Institute South Asia Regional Center (ISARC), Varanasi 221106, Uttar Pradesh, India.
C Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi 110 012, India.
Soil Research 60(6) 624-635
Submitted: 4 May 2021 Accepted: 12 May 2022 Published: 16 June 2022
© 2022 The Author(s) (or their employer(s)). Published by CSIRO Publishing
Context: Tillage-based agriculture has led to soil health deterioration and decline in crop productivity. Recently, zero tillage (ZT) and crop residue management has emerged as an alternative to conventional tillage.
Methods: This experiment was done in north-west India over 3 years, with four treatments: (1) conventional transplanted puddle rice (TPR) + conventional tillage wheat (CTW) with 1/3 of wheat residues incorporated (TPR-CTWR1/3i); (2) TPR + CTW (TPR-CTW); (3) ZT direct-seeded rice (ZTDSR) + ZT wheat (ZTW) with 1/3 of wheat residues incorporated (ZTDSR-ZTWR1/3i); and (4) conventional tillage direct-seeded rice (CTDSR) + ZTW with full residues of both rice and wheat crop incorporated (CTDSR-ZTWRfr). Two rice (CSR 30, CSR 36) and two wheat (HD 2894, KRL 213) varieties were used. Soil samples were collected after harvest at 0–15 to 15–30 cm soil depth.
Key results: In rice, yield was significantly higher under conventional tillage, and variety CSR 36 outperformed CSR 30 in various yield attributes. In wheat, the number of grains per spike was significantly higher in TPR-CTWR1/3i than TPR-ZTW. After rice harvest, there was ∼10% and 5% higher available N in TPR-CTW and CTDSR-ZTWRfr compared to ZTDSR-ZTWR1/3i and TPR-CTWR1/3i, respectively (0–15 cm depth). After wheat harvest, highest SOC content (7.5 g kg−1) was found under CTDSR-ZTWRfr (0–15 cm depth); and highest total water-stable aggregates were observed under CTDSR-ZTWRfr (37.52%; 0–15 cm depth). Compared to farmers’ practise, the total global warming potential of rice–wheat cropping system was reduced by 43% with conservation agriculture-based management practises (ZTDSR-ZTWR1/3i).
Conclusions: DSR (in rice) and ZT in wheat with full residue retention best improved soil organic carbon and nutrient availability in soil.
Implications: Conservation agriculture systems can be adopted to improve crop productivity, soil health and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Keywords: aggregate stability, crop varieties, crop yield, GHG emissions, Indo-Gangetic Plains, residue management, water-stable aggregates, zero tillage.
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