Towards incorporation of potassium into the disaggregation model for determination of soil-specific threshold electrolyte concentration
A. Dang A , J. M. Bennett

A University of Southern Queensland, West St, Toowoomba, Qld 4350, Australia.
B Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy, Tor St, Toowoomba, Qld 4350, Australia.
C Corresponding author. Email:
Soil Research 56(7) 664-674
Submitted: 9 November 2017 Accepted: 23 May 2018 Published: 4 September 2018
Use of non-traditional irrigation sources will increase with industry water demand, with many industry wastewaters (e.g. agri-industry processes such as milk factories, piggeries, wineries and abattoirs) containing appreciable potassium (K), which is known to result in soil structural decline if the concentration is sufficient. The threshold electrolyte concentration (CTH) is generally understood to represent the electrolyte concentration (directly proportional to electrical conductivity) at which a soil will remain stable when subjected to a solution of given sodium adsorption ratio, without limiting dispersion. However, current approaches to determine CTH do not incorporate K. Hence, this work seeks to investigate incorporation of K into the disaggregation model for CTH and validate this against equivalent sodium (Na) systems using an ionicity approach. A single generalised coefficient of equivalence for K relative to Na did not appropriately describe the system changes; this coefficient was specific to a soil and appeared to vary with the percolating electrolyte concentration. Incorporation of K into the disaggregation model, although not accurate with a universal coefficient of equivalence for K, was considered reasonable where no other approach could be used. This conclusion was drawn on the basis that the model would produce a conservative CTH under such circumstances, which would not cause undue degradation to the soil environment.
Additional keywords: dispersion, hydraulic conductivity, ionicity, sodicity.
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