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Evaluation of soil physical quality of irrigated agroecosystems in a semi-arid region of North-eastern Brazil

V. P. Pereira A , M. E. Ortiz-Escobar A C , G. C. Rocha B , R. N. Assis Junior A and T. S. Oliveira B
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A Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Ciências do Solo, Bloco 807, Campus do Pici, Fortaleza, CE 60455-760, Brazil.

B Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Departamento de Solos, Campus UFV, Viçosa, MG 36570-000, Brazil.

C Corresponding author. Email:

Soil Research 50(6) 455-464
Submitted: 3 December 2011  Accepted: 23 July 2012   Published: 25 September 2012


Concern about soil physical quality has grown in recent years, particularly in view of serious problems caused by intensive soil use. We hypothesised that improper soil management in irrigated areas damages the structure of sensitive soils in some regions in North-eastern Brazil. The aim of the study was to evaluate the physical quality of irrigated soils planted with annual and perennial crops, compared with soils under natural vegetation in Ceará State, Brazil. Measurements were made of least limiting water range (LLWR), the S index, and relative density. Undisturbed soil samples were collected at two depths (5–10 and 20–25 cm) in four cultivated areas (banana, guava, pasture, and maize/bean in succession) and two natural vegetation areas (NV1, NV2) adjacent to the cultivated areas. All sites were in the Jaguaribe-Apodi Irrigated District, Limoeiro do Norte, Ceará, Brazil. The LLWR was determined using the water retention curve, soil resistance to penetration, and soil bulk density, which are parameters needed to obtain the upper and lower limits of LLWR. The S index was obtained from the water retention curve. The relative density was obtained from the relationship between bulk density and maximum density obtained from the Proctor test. The S index varied as a function of soil management. The variation in LLWR differed between the studied areas as a function of soil bulk density. The relative densities for NV1 and NV2 were lower than for cultivated areas, showing that intensive soil use has caused compaction. The studied parameters seem to be good indicators of soil physical quality, and it was noticed that soils under cultivation suffer an alteration of their structure relative to soils under natural vegetation.

Additional keywords: least limiting water range, Proctor test, relative density, S index, soil degradation, soil water retention curve.


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