Producing biochars with enhanced surface activity through alkaline pretreatment of feedstocks
K. Hina A , P. Bishop A , M. Camps Arbestain A E , R. Calvelo-Pereira B , J. A. Maciá-Agulló C , J. Hindmarsh D , J. A. Hanly A , F. Macías B and M. J. Hedley AA Institute of Natural Resources, Private Bag 11222, Massey University, Palmerston North 4442, New Zealand.
B Departamento de Edafología y Química Agrícola, Facultad de Biología, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 15782-Santiago, Spain.
C Instituto Nacional del Carbón (CSIC), Apartado 73, 33080-Oviedo, Spain.
D Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health, Massey University, Palmerston North 4442, New Zealand.
E Corresponding author. Email:
Australian Journal of Soil Research 48(7) 606-617
Submitted: 5 January 2010 Accepted: 14 May 2010 Published: 28 September 2010
Surface-activated biochars not only represent a useful carbon sink, but can also act as useful filtering materials to extract plant nutrients (e.g. NH4+) from wastes (e.g. animal or municipal waste streams) and added thereafter to soils. Biochars produced by low-temperature pyrolysis of fibrous debarking waste from pine (PI) and eucalyptus (EU) were pre-treated with either diluted (L) or undiluted (S) alkaline tannery waste (L-PI, S-PI, L-EU, S-EU). Biochars produced from untreated feedstock were used as controls. Samples were characterised by FT-IR, solid-state CP MAS 13C NMR, XPS, SEM microphotographs, and BET specific surface area. Elemental composition, carbon recovery, yield, surface charge, and NH4+ sorption/desorption properties were also studied.
Carbon recovery was lower in biochars prepared from L-EU and S-EU (43 and 42%, respectively) than in control EU (45%) but these biochars showed greater changes in their chemical characteristics than those made from L-PI and S-PI, which showed minimal decrease in recovered carbon. The specific surface area of the biochars decreased with treatments, although acidic surface groups increased. In subsequent sorption experiments, treated biochars retained more NH4+ from a 40 mg N/L waste stream (e.g. 61% retention in control EU and 83% in S-EU). Desorption was low, especially in treated biochars relative to untreated biochars (0.1–2% v. 14–27%). The results suggest that surface activated biochars can be obtained with negligible impairment to the carbon recovered.
Additional keywords: acidic surface groups, ammonium retention, biochar, tannery waste.
The authors acknowledge the Manawatu Microscopy and Imaging Centre (MMIC) and Doug Hopcroft for assistance in preparing the samples and operating the SEM images, and Edwin Mercer from Carter Holt Harvey NZ Ltd for supplying the feedstocks. Authors are also grateful to Gonzalo Almendros, Sarah Fiol, Bob Stewart, Mike Bretherton, Anne West, and Ian Furkert for timely guidance and comments. J.A.M.-A. acknowledges the assistance of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education for its award of a Juan de la Cierva contract. M.C.A. is very grateful for financial support from the Ministery of Agriculture and Forestry of New Zealand. The authors thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable suggestions and comments on the manuscript.
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