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Changes in Cu, Ni, and Zn availability following simulated conversion of biosolids-amended forest soils back to agricultural use

R. G. McLaren A B , A. Black A and L. M. Clucas A
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A Department of Soil and Physical Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences, PO Box 84, Lincoln University, Lincoln 7647, Canterbury, New Zealand.

B Corresponding author. Email:

Australian Journal of Soil Research 48(3) 286-293
Submitted: 30 July 2009  Accepted: 23 November 2009   Published: 6 May 2010


In this study we examined the bioavailability and chemistry of Cu, Ni, and Zn in metal-spiked, biosolids-amended forest (Pinus radiata) soils that had undergone a simulated conversion back to agricultural use. Mixing of the biosolids-treated forest litter into the underlying mineral soil resulted in high concentrations of each metal in easily extractable and soil solution forms. There was also very little change in these concentrations during a subsequent 2-year incubation period of the samples. Chemical speciation of the soil solutions using WHAM 6 showed that Cu was dominated by organic complexes, whereas most Ni and Zn was present as Ni2+ and Zn2+, with generally <5% of these elements present as organic complexes. Addition of lime to the soils substantially decreased both readily extractable and soil solution metal concentrations. However, even in their unlimed state, although plant metal concentrations were increased by the original biosolids treatments, there were no adverse effects due to the metals on plant growth as determined in a wheat germination and seedling growth test. In this study, the DGT technique showed considerable promise for assessing metal availability to plants. However, the study suggests that conversion of biosolids-treated forest soils back for agricultural use is unlikely to result in any substantial problems related to the metal loadings built up in the forest litter layer.

Additional keywords: biosolids, DGT, metals, metal spiking, WHAM 6.0.


This research is funded by the New Zealand Foundation for Research, Science and Technology through the Institute of Environmental Science and Research Ltd (ESR). The authors acknowledge the support and assistance of the programme leaders from ESR, Dr Tom Speir and Dr Jacqui Horswell.


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