Microbial CO2 production from surface and subsurface soil as affected by temperature, moisture, and nitrogen fertilisation
Xiaobin Jin A B , Shenmin Wang A and Yinkang Zhou AA Department of Land Resources and Tourism Sciences, Nanjing University, No. 22 Han kou Road, Nanjing 210093, China.
B Corresponding author. Email: xbjin123@163.com
Australian Journal of Soil Research 46(3) 273-280 https://doi.org/10.1071/SR07144
Submitted: 21 September 2007 Accepted: 3 March 2008 Published: 1 May 2008
The Sanjiang Plain of north-east China is presently the second largest freshwater marsh in China. The drainage and use of marshes for agricultural fields occurred in the past 50 years, resulting in the increase in cultivated land from about 2.9 × 108 m2 in 1893 to 4.57 × 1010 m2 in 1994. Under human disturbance in the past half century, the environment in Sanjiang Plain has had significant change. We hypothesised that environmental factors such as soil moisture, soil temperature, and soil N levels affect the rates of soil organic C mineralisation and the nature of the controls on microbial CO2 production to change with depth through the soil profile in the freshwater marsh in the Sanjiang Plain. In a series of experiments, we measured the influence of soil temperature, soil water content, and nitrogen additions on soil microbial CO2 production rates.
The results showed that Q10 values (the factor by which the CO2 production rate increases when the temperature is increased by 10°C) significantly increased with soil depth through the soil profile (P < 0.05). The average Q10 values for the surface soils were 2.7 (0–0.2 m), significantly lower than that (average Q10 values 3.3) for the subsurface samples (0.2–0.6 m) (P < 0.05), indicating that C mineralisation rates were more sensitive to temperature in subsurface soil horizons than in surface horizons. The maximum respiration rate was measured at 60% water hold capacity for each sample. The quadratic equation function adequately describes the relationship between soil respiration and soil water content, and the R2 values were > 0.80. The sensitivity of microbial CO2 production rate response to soil water content for surface soils (0–0.2 m) was slightly lower than for subsurface soils (0.2–0.6 m). The responses of actual soil respiration rates to nitrogen fertilisation were different for surface and subsurface soils. In the surface soils (0–0.2 m), the addition of N caused a slight decreased in respiration rates compared with the control, whereas, in the subsurface soils (0.2–0.6 m), the addition of N tended to increase microbial CO2 production rates, and the addition of 10 µg N/g soil treatment caused twice the increase in C mineralisation rates of the control. Our results suggested that the responses of microbial CO2 production to changes in soil moisture, soil temperature, and soil N levels varied with soil depth through the profile, and subsurface soil organic C was more sensitive to temperature increase and nitrogen inputs in the freshwater marsh of the Sanjiang Plain.
Additional keywords: nitrogen, Q10 value, soil organic C, soil profile, soil water content, temperature.
We would like to thank the reviewers for their time and suggestions.
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