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The South Pacific Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences The South Pacific Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences Society
Research and review papers in the area of science, engineering and mathematics

Performance of FCAE diploma holders at USP

U J Dixit, V U Dixit and M V Reddy

The South Pacific Journal of Natural Science 20(1) 62 - 63
Published: 15 December 2002


The University of the South Pacific (USP is currently attracting many students who have completed a Diploma at the Fiji College of Advanced Education (FCAE) into its study programmes. These students are not required to do certain courses, mostly those at the first year level, as they had done courses of a similar nature at FCAE and hence these are cross-credited towards their study programme as USP. In order to ensure that the granting of cross-credits for these FCAE courses is justified, USP needs to study the performance of these students. In this paper, we have carried out a statistical analysis using the Cumulative Grade Point Averages (CGPA) of all 67 such students. Results of the analysis indicate that the performance of these students justifies the granting of cross-credits.

© The University of the South Pacific 2002

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