Australian Systematic Botany
Volume 24 Number 1 2011
SB10039Synopsis of the tribe Chloantheae and new nomenclatural combinations in Pityrodia s.lat. (Lamiaceae)
B. J. Conn, M. J. Henwood and N. Streiber
pp. 1-9
SB10047The Lejeunea tumida species group is positively polyphyletic (Lejeuneaceae: Jungermanniopsida)
Matt A. M. Renner, Elizabeth A. Brown and Glenda M. Wardle
pp. 10-18
SB10035Miocene Astelia (Asparagales: Asteliaceae) macrofossils from southern New Zealand
Elizabeth Maciunas, John G. Conran, Jennifer M. Bannister, Rosemary Paull and Daphne E. Lee
pp. 19-31
SB10012Australian species of Elaphomyces (Elaphomycetaceae, Eurotiales, Ascomycota)
Michael A. Castellano, James M. Trappe and Karl Vernes
pp. 32-57