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Australian Systematic Botany Australian Systematic Botany Society
Taxonomy, biogeography and evolution of plants

Taxonomic revision of Richea R.Br. (Epacridaceae)

Yvonne Menadue and R. K. Crowden

Australian Systematic Botany 13(5) 773 - 802
Published: 2000


A revision of Richea R.Br., endemic to Australia, on the basis of new morphological and phytochemical evidence derived from fresh and herbarium material, recognises 11 species:R. acerosa (Lindl) F.Muell., R. alpina sp. nov. Y.Menadue, R. continentis B.L.Burtt, R. dracophylla R.Br., R. gunnii Hook.f., R. milliganii (Hook.f.) F.Muell., R. pandanifolia Hook.f.,R. procera(F.Muell) F.Muell., R. scoparia Hook.f., R. sprengelioides (R.Br.) F.Muell., and R. victoriana Y.Menadue. Richea angustifolia B.L.Burtt is reduced to synonomy under R. scopariaand R. curtisiae A.M.Gray is excluded. A new subspecies, R. pandanifolia ssp. ramosa Y.Menadue is described for the first time. Flavonoid chemistry provides clear support for the hybrid origin of R. curtisiae.

© CSIRO 2000

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