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Australian Systematic Botany Australian Systematic Botany Society
Taxonomy, biogeography and evolution of plants

A revision of Enneapogon (Poaceae, Pappophoreae) in Australia

EKZ Kakudidi, M Lazarides and JA Carnahan

Australian Systematic Botany 1(4) 325 - 353
Published: 1988


This revision Enneapogon Desv. Ex. P. Beauv. Includes significant taxonomic data on three new taxa (E. decipiens, Kakudidi, E. eremophilus Kakudidi, E. caerulescens var occidentalis Kakudidi) Also, E. truncates Kakudidi is proposed for the species previously known as E. flavescens (Lindl.) N. Burb., as the latter's nomenclatural type belongs to E. nigricans (R. Br.) P. Beauv. New synonyms included E. glaber N. Burb. and E. planiforlius N. Burb. of E. purpurascens (R.Br.) Domin, and E. pallidus var. breviseta N. Burb. of E. lindleyanus (Domin) C.E. Hubb. A previous synonym of E. gracilis (R.Br.) P. Beauv. has been segregated as an independent species (E. virens (Lindl.) Kakudidi). The varietal synonyms, Pappophorum avenaceum var nanum Domin and P. nigricans var barbinode Domin, previously identified as E. polyphyllus and E. polyphyllus nad E. oblongus respectively, are referred to E. avenaceus and E. caerulescens var. caerulescens.

© CSIRO 1988

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