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Australian Systematic Botany Australian Systematic Botany Society
Taxonomy, biogeography and evolution of plants

Systematic relationships within the Litsea complex (Lauraceae): a cladistic analysis on the basis of morphological and leaf cuticle data

Jie Li and David C. Christophel

Australian Systematic Botany 13(1) 1 - 13
Published: 2000


The systematic relationships within the Litsea complex, consisting of Litsea, Lindera, Neolitsea, Actinodaphne, Dodecadenia, Iteadaphne, Parasassafras, Sinosassafras, Umbellularia and Laurus, are discussed. A cladistic analysis of morphological and leaf cuticle characters resulted in three most parsimonious trees, with Sassafras as sister group to other genera. The cladogram of only cuticular characters does not show clear relationships, but highlights the general integration of Litsea and Lindera. The cladograms show that most genera in the complex are polyphyletic. However, some monophyletic groups also appeared in the cladograms, such as CylicodaphneCupuliformes characterised by a cup-shaped fruit cupule, SinosassafrasParasassafras by a minute involucral bracts, UniumbellataeDaphnidium by trinerved leaves and LitseaAperula by a racemiform inflorescence. Additionally, the cladistics results imply that some groups require further research.

© CSIRO 2000

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