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Australian Systematic Botany Australian Systematic Botany Society
Taxonomy, biogeography and evolution of plants

New Zealand floras and systematic botany: Progress and prospects

P. J. Garnock-Jones and I. Breitwieser

Australian Systematic Botany 11(2) 175 - 184
Published: 1998


Botanists have produced vascular plant Floras of New Zealand at regular intervals since 1775. The current tracheophyte Flora series is nearing completion, but early volumes already need major revision. There are few Flora treatments covering algae and fungi. Moss and liverwort Floras are in early stages, while the Lichen Flora is now under revision. Current research attention is focused on revisions of critical groups, phylogenetic studies to investigate generic circumscriptions or family placements, and provision of new tools for plant identification. Plans are under way to produce an Excursion Flora.

© CSIRO 1998

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