Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria
Volume 127 Number 2 2015
RS15014 Abstract | RS15014PDF (2.5 MB) Open Access Article
RS15015First record of the tabulate coral "Ligulodictyum" in the early Emsian of Victoria (Australia), with additional data on Australian Ligulodictyum sensu lato
RS15015 Abstract | RS15015PDF (1.4 MB) Open Access Article
RS15016Response of the Snowy River Estuary to two environmental flows
RS15016 Abstract | RS15016PDF (8.6 MB) Open Access Article
RS15017Mercury use and loss from gold mining in nineteenth-century Victoria
RS15017 Abstract | RS15017PDF (3.4 MB) Open Access Article
RS15018Phosphate minerals in granitic pegmatites from the Mount Wills District, north-eastern Victoria
RS15018 Abstract | RS15018PDF (13.8 MB) | RS15018Corrigendum (13.8 MB) Open Access Article
RS15019Ophyiulus in Victoria: results of millipede surveys from south-eastern Australia
RS15019 Abstract | RS15019PDF (1.2 MB) Open Access Article
RS15020The Middle–Late Pleistocene Bridgewater Formation on Cape Bridgewater, south-western Victoria: chronostratigraphy and palaeoclimatic significance
RS15020 Abstract | RS15020PDF (6.2 MB) Open Access Article