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Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria Society
Promotion and advancement of science

Wind power in Victoria

Tom Keddie

Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society of Victoria 126(2) 20 - 22
Published: 2014


In terms of generation capacity, Victoria has about 12,500 MW, out of a National Electricity Market (NEM) total of over 46,000 MW. A bit over half of Victoria’s capacity is made up of the brown coal generators in the Latrobe Valley (Loy Yang, Hazelwood, Yallourn). Gas-fired generation (mainly large open-cycle peaking plants, designed to operate only in times of high demand) and hydro plants (mainly parts of the Snowy scheme) add about 20% each, with wind currently making up the balance of around 9% of installed capacity in Victoria. In terms of wind farm location across the NEM, installed capacity is predominantly located in Victoria and South Australia, and to a lesser extent in Tasmania, with very small amounts in New South Wales and Queensland. This distribution is almost entirely due to the quality of the wind resource across the country.

© CSIRO 2014

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