The Rangeland Journal
Volume 19 Number 1 1997
RJ9970040Factors Associated With Density of Mitchell Grass Pastures in North-Western New South Wales.
AM Bowman, DJ Munnich, KY Chan and J Brockwell
pp. 40-56
RJ9970057The Efficacy of Finlayson Troughs as a Means of Repelling Kangaroos From Water and Altering Grazing Pressure in Pastoral Areas.
DR King, GL Norbury and GJ Eliot
pp. 57-69
RJ9970095Grass Growth in Response to Time of Rainfall and Season Along a Climate Gradient in Australian Rangelands.
BH Walker, FR Mcfarlane and JL Langridge
pp. 95-108
RJ9970109Sheep Faeces Under Shearing Sheds: a Documentary of Vegetation Change Using Stable Carbon Isotope Analysis.
GB Witt, EJ Moll and RJS Beeton
pp. 109-115