The Australian Rangeland Journal
Volume 10 Number 1 1988
RJ9880006The cage method of sampling to assess herbage mass and herbage consumed on annual rangeland vegetation
BB Zahran, AM Holm, WR Stern and WA Loneragan
pp. 6-12
RJ9880013Factors contributing to differences in forage yield in the semi-arid woodlands.
AD Wilson, DJ Tongway and GJ Tupper
pp. 13-17
RJ9880018Soil and plant relationships with cattle production on a property scale in the monsoonal tallgrass tropics.
TH McCosker, PK O'Rourke, AR Eggington and FW Doyle
pp. 18-29
RJ9880030 Effect of short- and long-acting growth promotants on grazing beef cattle in south-west Queensland.
MR Clarke and JR Wythes
pp. 30-33
RJ9880034Photographic standards for estimating comparative yield in arid rangelands.
MH Friedel and GN Bastin
pp. 34-38
RJ9880039Sheep productivity in an Astrebla grassland of south-west Queensland.
DM Orr, CJ Evenson, DJ Jordan, PS Bowly, KJ Lehane and DC Cowan
pp. 39-47
RJ9880060Seasonal changes in the nutritive value of grass species in Spinifex pastures of Western Australia.
AM Holm and RJ Allen
pp. 60-64