The Australian Rangeland Journal
Volume 9 Number 1 1987
RJ9870005Evaluation of methods of assessing vegetation change in the semi-arid rangelands of southern Australia.
AD Wilson, NA Abraham, R Barratt, J Choate, DR Green, RJ Harland, RE Oxley and RJ Stanley
pp. 5-13
RJ9870014The development of a system for monitoring trend in range condition in the arid shrublands of Western Australia.
AM Holm, DG Burnside and AA Mitchell
pp. 14-20
RJ9870039A survey of Bladder Saltbush (Atriplex vesicaria Heward ex Benth) dieback on the Riverine Plain of south-eastern Australia from the late 1970s to 1983.
DK Clift, WS Semple and JC Prior
pp. 39-48
RJ9870053The post-fire regeneration responses of Triodia wiseana and T. basedowii.
NE Casson and JED Fox
pp. 53-55