The Australian Rangeland Journal
Volume 2 Number 2 1980
RJ9800151Nutrient deficiencies in central Australian semi-desert rangelands, with reference to decline in range condition.
MH Friedel, KM Cellier and KP Nicolson
pp. 151-161
RJ9800175Seasonal changes in the nutritive value of some native pasture species in North-western Australia.
AM Holm and GJ Eliot
pp. 175-182
RJ9800189An evaluation of large scale aerial photography for assessing range condition in central Australia.
BD Foran and KM Cellier
pp. 189-200
RJ9800201The value of reference areas in the study and management of rangelands.
DL Michalk and BE Norton
pp. 201-207
RJ9800214The digestion of Mulga Nettle (Halorhagis odontocarpa) by sheep.
NP McMeniman, IF Beale and GM Murphy
pp. 214-216
RJ9800217Production and water use of a wiregrass (Aristida spp.) pasture in South Western Queensland.
AJ Pressland and KJ Lehane
pp. 217-221