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The Rangeland Journal The Rangeland Journal Society
Journal of the Australian Rangeland Society

Distribution of Grey Kangaroos in South, Inland Queensland.

GJE Hill

The Australian Rangeland Journal 3(1) 58 - 66
Published: 1981


An aerial survey of eastern grey kangaroo (Mecropusgiganteus) density was 2onducted during August 1979 for a 47,100 km2 strip of southern, inland Queensland. A population estimate of 694,180 + 5 3,065 (Y + SE) was obtained. LANDSAT band 5 imagery was used to defme broadscale habitat zones for the study area. An analysis was made of the relationship between kangaroo distribu- tion and the habitat zones. Results indicated that habitat data at this scale forms a useful base for the design of aerial surveys.

© ARS 1981

Committee on Publication Ethics

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