Optimising cattle grazing distribution on rangeland: a systematic review and network analysis
Maggie L. Creamer A D , Leslie M. Roche
A Department of Animal Sciences; University of California, Davis, 1 Shield Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, USA.
B Department of Plant Sciences; University of California, Davis, 1 Shield Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, USA.
C Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics; University of California, Davis, 1 Shield Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, USA.
D Corresponding author. Email: mlcreamer@ucdavis.edu
The Rangeland Journal 41(5) 441-455 https://doi.org/10.1071/RJ19066
Submitted: 21 August 2019 Accepted: 9 December 2019 Published: 20 December 2019
Optimising beef cattle (Bos taurus and Bos indicus) distribution, both spatially and temporally, is one of the most significant challenges associated with managing extensive grazed rangelands. Landscape variability and behavioural patterns of cattle may lead to non-uniform and inefficient forage utilisation, damage to critical habitats, and water quality impairment. In order to overcome these distribution challenges, a large suite of tools have been developed and researched to optimise grazing patterns. The objectives of this synthesis paper are 2-fold: (i) to survey and categorise distribution tools; and (ii) to analyse the connectivity of existing research across academic disciplines to identify and isolate knowledge gaps. A systematic literature review revealed specific types of tools and strategies to improve cattle distribution, which were categorised as either ‘animal’ or ‘environmental manipulations’. Animal manipulations utilise aspects of individual behaviour and herd dynamics to alter grazing patterns, whereas environmental manipulations involve transforming aspects of the animal’s surroundings to overcome challenges associated with inefficient distribution. This review reveals that strategies are overwhelmingly studied in isolation, and that there is potential to increase efficacy by integrating multiple strategies to achieve a desired outcome. Motivated by these findings, an author collaboration network analysis was conducted to investigate connectivity within and among author fields of expertise to understand why more integrated management strategies are not currently studied. Authors were classified into five fields of research: animal behaviour science, animal production science, biophysical rangeland science, economics, and other. The network analysis revealed that communities of authors contributing to papers on enhancing cattle distribution are disjointed. These results suggest that in order to fulfil knowledge gaps about the efficacy and cost of management strategies, there needs to be interdisciplinary engagement with particular attention to strategies that integrate animal and environmental manipulations to enhance cattle grazing distribution on extensively grazed landscapes.
Additional keywords: authorship, beef, behaviour, collaboration, economics, interdisciplinary, management, production.
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