Reproduction, Fertility and Development
Volume 14 Number 8 2002
RD02029Deviant peri-oestrual hormone patterns affect the epithelium of the uterine tube in repeat-breeder heifers
Renée Båge, Britt Masironi, Lena Sahlin and Heriberto Rodríguez-Martínez
pp. 461-469
RD02050Effects of electrical stimulation and seminal plasma on the motility of mouse sperm
R. T. Tecirlioglu, O. Lacham-Kaplan and A. O. Trounson
pp. 471-478
RD02001Metalloproteinase 2 activity and modulation in uterus from neonatal streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats during embryo implantation
Carolina Pustovrh, Alicia Jawerbaum, Débora Sinner, Verónica White, Evangelina Capobianco and Elida González
pp. 479-485
RD02005Immunohistochemical distribution of oestrogen and progesterone receptors and tissue concentrations of oestrogens in the cervix of non-pregnant cows
V. N. A. Breeveld-Dwarkasing, M. de Boer-Brouwer, E. Möstl, N. M. Soede, G. C. van der Weijden, M. A. M. Taverne and F. M. F. van Dissel-Emiliani
pp. 487-494
RD02057Fertility of male and female emus (Dromaius novaehollandiae ) as determined by spermatozoa trapped in eggs
Irek A. Malecki and Graeme B. Martin
pp. 495-502
RD02034Production of lambs of predetermined sex after the insemination of ewes with low numbers of frozen–thawed sorted X- or Y-chromosome-bearing spermatozoa
F. K. Hollinshead, J. K. O'Brien, W. M. C. Maxwell and G. Evans
pp. 503-508
RD02035Characterization of viability, mitochondrial activity, acrosomal integrity and capacitation status in boar sperm during in vitro storage at different ambient temperatures
Li-Jun Huo, Kui-Zhong Yue and Zeng-Ming Yang
pp. 509-514
RD02073The phosphatidylinositol signalling system in elongating bovine blastocysts; formation of phosphoinositides, inositol phosphates and stimulation by growth factors
A. C. Hynes, J. M. Sreenan and M. T. Kane
pp. 515-523