Reproduction, Fertility and Development
Volume 8 Number 1 1996
RD9960049Ventricular fibrillation in the neonate: elusive or illusive?
FA Kralios and AC Kralios
pp. 49-60
RD9960071Developmental changes in Ca(2+)-uptake, Na+,Ca(2+)-exchange and Ca(2+)-ATPase in freshly isolated embryonic, newborn and adult chicken heart
P Prakash, P Meera and O Tripathi
pp. 71-78
RD9960079Respiratory responses to preoptic/anterior hypothalamic warming during sleep in kittens
H Ni, VL Schechtman, J Zhang, SF Glotzbach and RM Harper
pp. 79-86
RD9960087Optical imaging of the ventral medullary surface of developing kittens during ventilatory challenges
D Gozal, XW Dong, DM Rector, RK Harper and RM Harper
pp. 87-95
RD9960097Immunocytochemical localization of renin in the developing ovine fetus
NM Rawashdeh, JC Rose, MS Rogers, C Giammattei and SS Iskandar
pp. 97-101
RD9960103Changes in M-CSF-like activity during chicken embryonic development
X Shao, K Kikuchi, E Watari, Y Norose, T Araki and K Yokomuro
pp. 103-109
RD9960117Changes in thoracic dimensions induced by breathing movements in fetal sheep
R Harding and GC Liggins
pp. 117-124
RD9960125 Cerebral, tympanic and colonic thermometry in the piglet
K Haaland, PA Steen and M Thoresen
pp. 125-128
RD9960129 Developmental changes in beta-adrenergic and muscarinic modulations of Ca2+ currents in fetal and neonatal ventricular cardiomyocytes of the rat
H Masuda, K Sumii and N Sperelakis
pp. 129-135
RD9960137Brown adipose tissue and liver development during early postnatal life in hand-reared and ewe-reared lambs
CJ Darby, L Clarke, MA Lomax and ME Symonds
pp. 137-145
RD9960147 Effect of thyroid status in the perinatal period on oxidative capacities and mitochondrial respiration in porcine liver and skeletal muscle
P Herpin, D Berthon, C Duchamp, MJ Dauncey and Dividich J Le
pp. 147-155
RD9960157 Prediction of cerebral blood flow in fetal lambs by carotid artery ultrasonic flow transducer
RF Covert, MD Schreiber, LJ Torgerson, RW Torgerson and DJ Miletich
pp. 157-162
RD9960167 Fetal insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I and IGF-II are regulated differently by glucose or insulin in the sheep fetus
MH Oliver, JE Harding, BH Breier and PD Gluckman
pp. 167-172
RD9960173Long-term cycling of surfactant films in Wilhelmy balance
B Sun, T Curstedt and B Robertson
pp. 173-181
RD9960183 Transvascular albumin transport and protein replenishment after haemorrhage in the chronically catheterized pregnant rabbit
GJ Valenzuela, K Iacampo and HF Rauld
pp. 183-187
RD9960189Developmental characteristics in the daily rhythm of norepinephrine concentration within rabbit brainstem regions
JL Gingras, EE Lawson and MC McNamara
pp. 189-194
RD9960195ACTH-like bioactivity and immunoactivity in fetal lamb pituitaries at 0.65 and 0.95 gestation
MA Fora, NK Valego, MO Lively, MI Castro and JC Rose
pp. 195-201