Reproduction, Fertility and Development
Volume 7 Number 1 1995
RD9950021Cellular composition of primary cultures of human granulosa-lutein cells and the effect of cytokines on cell proliferation
LJ Wang, M Brannstrom, V Pascoe and RJ Norman
pp. 21-26
RD9950027Localization of neutral endopeptidase in the ovine uterus and conceptus during the oestrous cycle and early pregnancy
SC Riley, E Wong, JK Findlay and LA Salamonsen
pp. 27-33
RD9950035 Interactions between large and small luteal cells collected during the mid- or late-luteal stages of the bovine oestrous cycle
Vecchio RP Del, JK Thibodeaux, R Saatman and W Hansel
pp. 35-40
RD9950041 Characterization of glucose transport in preimplantation mouse embryos
HG Gardner and PL Kaye
pp. 41-50
RD9950059Inhibitory potency of isoprenaline on guinea-pig and gravid human myometrium following extraneuronal uptake blockade
M Kousides, ME Story, JN Pennefather, SP Ziccone and AW Ross
pp. 59-66
RD9950067Effects of tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha) on ovulation in the rat ovary
M Brannstrom, N Bonello, LJ Wang and RJ Norman
pp. 67-73
RD9950075 Comparative response of the immature and mature ovine fetus to corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH)
AC McFarlane, EJ Cooper, RT Fernley, T Watabe and EM Wintour
pp. 75-82
RD9950083Effect of protein kinase C modulation on gonadotrophin-induced granulosa cell steroidogenesis
H He, AC Herington and P Roupas
pp. 83-95
RD9950097Calicin in human sperm fertilizing zona-free hamster eggs in vitro
J Paranko and I Salonen
pp. 97-105
RD9950107Inhibition of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase in boar spermatozoa by bromohydroxypropanone
LM Porter and AR Jones
pp. 107-111
RD9950113 Large equine blastocysts are damaged by vitrification procedures
S Hochi, T Fujimoto and N Oguri
pp. 113-117
RD9950119Relationship between testicular morphology and sperm production following ischaemia in the ram
CM Markey, AM Jequier, GT Meyer and GB Martin
pp. 119-128
RD9950129Distribution of variance associated with measurement of post-thaw function in ram sperm
AY Edward, DP Windsor, IW Purvis, LG Sanchez-Partida and WM Maxwell
pp. 129-134