Reproduction, Fertility and Development
Volume 4 Number 1 1992
RD9920025Effects of the ovary, sucking stimulus and season on the pattern of LH and FSH release in the female tammar, Macropus eugenii
LA Hinds, PJ Diggle and CH Tyndale-Biscoe
pp. 25-34
RD9920043Effects of photoperiod on the reproductive physiology of male flying foxes, Pteropus poliocephalus
MA McGuckin and AW Blackshaw
pp. 43-53
RD9920055Acute effect of PMSG on ovarian androgen-binding sites in the intact immature female rat
S Campo, RS Carson and JK Findlay
pp. 55-65
RD9920067Control of inhibin production by dispersed human luteal cells in vitro
HZ Wang, SH Lu, XJ Han, ZD Sun, WX Shen, W Zhou, ML Bangah and JK Findlay
pp. 67-75
RD9920077Corpus luteum and endometrial function in ewes post partum: a study in vivo and in vitro
JM Wallace, CJ Ashworth, RP Aitken and MA Cheyne
pp. 77-90
RD9920091Time of ovulation in merino ewes superovulated with PMSG and FSH-P
JP Ryan, JR Hunton and WM Maxwell
pp. 91-97
RD9920105Mouse embryos and quality control in human IVF
TJ Weiss, GM Warnes and DK Gardner
pp. 105-107
RD9920109Outcome of pregnancies resulting from a trial of supplementing human IVF culture media with platelet activating factor
C O'Neill, JP Ryan, M Collier, DM Saunders, AJ Ammit and IL Pike
pp. 109-112
RD9920113Proline and glycine betaine in cryoprotective diluents for ram spermatozoa
LG Sanchez-Partida, WM Maxwell, LG Paleg and BP Setchell
pp. 113-118
RD9920119Stimulation of protein synthesis and expansion of pig blastocysts by insulin in vitro
AM Lewis, PL Kaye, R Lising and RD Cameron
pp. 119-123