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Folicular dynamics, endocrine profiles and endometrial gene expression in fertile and subfertile cows

C. Viñoles A B * , A. Álvez B , X. González B and A. Meikle C
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- Author Affiliations

A Centro de Salud Reproductiva de Rumiantes en Sistemas Agroforestales, Casa de la Universidad de Cerro Largo, Centro Universitario Regional Noreste, Universidad de la República, Luis Alberto de Herrera 639, Melo, Cerro Largo, Uruguay.

B Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria, km 386, Ruta 5, Tacuarembó, Uruguay.

C Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad de la República, Ruta 8, km 18, Montevideo, Uruguay.

* Correspondence to:

Handling Editor: Jennifer Juengel

Reproduction, Fertility and Development 37, RD24160
Submitted: 25 September 2024  Accepted: 10 January 2025  Published online: 3 February 2025

© 2025 The Author(s) (or their employer(s)). Published by CSIRO Publishing



Subfertility has a negative impact on the productivity of beef cow herds; thus, it is relevant to unravel the mechanisms.


To study follicular development, body composition, concentrations of progesterone and metabolic hormones and their gene expression in the endometrium during the oestrus cycle.


Fertile and subfertile Hereford cows were classified at 25 (n = 84) and 60 (n = 25) months old, as (1) fertile, pregnant at first insemination at 25 months, that became pregnant more than three of five times at 60 months (n = 5), or (2) subfertile, i.e. failed to became pregnant during three inseminations at 25 months, that became pregnant at fewer than two of the five opportunities at 60 months (n = 6).

Key results

Fertile cows had greater concentrations of insuling-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), leptin and adiponectin (P < 0.05), associated with differences in body composition. Insulin and progesterone concentrations were lower during the mid–late luteal phase (P < 0.05) in fertile than subfertile cows, with no impact on follicle dynamics. At dissection, healthy follicles from fertile cows tended (P < 0.1) to have more granulosa cells and higher concentrations of IGF-1 in the follicular fluid. Fertile cows had a lower (P < 0.05) endometrial IGF-1 mRNA expression, but tended to have increased (P < 0.1) progesterone and adiponectin 2 receptor expression on Day 7 of the oestrus cycle.


Differences in progesterone and metabolic hormones in plasma and follicular fluid and their endometrial expression are associated with the success of pregnancy in beef cows.


Strategies to improve the follicle and endometrial microenvironments are needed to improve the productivity of beef herds.

Keywords: AMH, antral follicle count, beef cattle, fertility markers, metabolic hormones, progesterone, repeat breeder, subfertility.


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