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Alpha-synuclein expression in GnRH neurons of young and old bovine hypothalami

Yvan Bienvenu Niyonzima A , Yuuki Asato A , Tomoaki Murakami B and Hiroya Kadokawa A *
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A Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi-shi, Yamaguchi-ken 1677-1, Japan.

B Cooperative Department of Veterinary Medicine, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan.

* Correspondence to:

Handling Editor: Yoshihisa Uenoyama

Reproduction, Fertility and Development 36, RD24033
Submitted: 29 February 2024  Accepted: 15 August 2024  Published online: 16 September 2024

© 2024 The Author(s) (or their employer(s)). Published by CSIRO Publishing



Understanding of central nervous system mechanisms related to age-related infertility remains limited. Fibril α-synuclein, distinct from its monomer form, is implicated in age-related diseases and propagates among neurons akin to prions.


We compared α-synuclein expression in gonadotropin-releasing hormone-expressing neurons (GnRH neurons) in the pre-optic area, arcuate nucleus, and median eminence of healthy heifers and aged cows to determine its role in age-related infertility.


We analysed mRNA and protein expression, along with fluorescent immunohistochemistry for GnRH and α-synuclein, followed by Congo red staining to detect amyloid deposits, and confocal microscopy.

Key results

Both mRNA and protein expressions of α-synuclein were confirmed by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and western blots in bovine cortex, hippocampus, and anterior and posterior hypothalamus tissues. Significant differences in α-synuclein mRNA expression were observed in the cortex and hippocampus between young and old cows. Western blots showed five bands of α-synuclein, probably reflecting monomer, dimer, and oligomers, in the cortex, hippocampus, hypothalamus tissues, and there were significant differences in some bands between young and old cows. Bright-field and polarised light microscopy did not detect obvious amyloid deposition in aged hypothalami; however, higher-sensitive confocal microscopy unveiled strong positive signal of Congo red and α-synuclein in GnRH neurons in aged hypothalami. Additionally, α-synuclein expression was detected in immortalised GnRH neurons, GT1-7 cells.


Alpha-synuclein was expressed in GnRH neurons, and some differences were observed between young and old hypothalami.


Alpha-synuclein may play an important role in aging-related infertility.

Keywords: aging, arcuate nucleus, Congo red staining, cortex, GT1-7 cell, hippocampus, median eminence, pre-optic area, ruminant.


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