Inter- and trans-generational effects of gestational ghrelin imbalance on development and reproduction in the mouse
Pedro Javier Torres A , Eugenia Mercedes Luque A , Nicolás David Ramírez A , Valeria Paola Carlini A and Ana Carolina Martini
A Instituto de Fisiología, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, INICSA (CONICET-FCM), Santa Rosa 1085, X5000ESU Córdoba, Argentina.
Reproduction, Fertility and Development 34(14) 944-955
Published online: 29 August 2022
© 2022 The Author(s) (or their employer(s)). Published by CSIRO Publishing
Context and aims: We have demonstrated that ghrelin (Ghrl) participates in fetal programming, since intragestational hyperghrelinaemia increased pup’s growth and a Ghrl-receptor antagonist accelerated offspring’s sexual maturation and impaired their adult reproductive function. Now, we aim to analyse if these phenotypic changes (found in F1) also occurred in F2 and/or F3 generations.
Methods: We treated mice dams (F0), with 4 nmol/animal/day of Ghrl or 6 nmol/animal/day of an antagonist [Ant:(d-Lys3)GHRP6] from day 1 of pregnancy until delivery. When F1 female pups reached adulthood, they were paired to obtain F2, and subsequently, F2 females were paired to obtain F3. Parameters evaluated in F2 and F3 pups were: growth, physical development, neurobiological maturation, puberty onset and in adulthood, reproductive function.
Key results: The F2 and F3 Ant groups showed a significant increase in litter size. Although no differences were detected in the weight of these pups at birth, in adulthood, they were heavier. At F3, pups from the Ant group showed advanced incisors eruption and eye opening compared to controls. Furthermore, F3 male pups from the Ant group showed earlier testis descent, although in adulthood, these males exhibited reduced sperm concentration in comparison to Ghrl. No differences were detected in F2 or F3 females regarding puberty onset or reproduction.
Conclusions and implications: Some fetal programming effects of Ghrl seen in F1, also appeared transgenerationally. Since many women at reproductive age suffer from conditions with reduced Ghrl levels (i.e. obesity or polycystic ovarian syndrome), these results could be relevant to the health of their descendants.
Keywords: development, fetal programming, growth, litter size, pregnancy, puberty, reproduction, reprogramming, sperm.
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