Specific locations and amounts of denatured collagen and collagen-specific chaperone HSP47 in the oviducts and uteri of old cows as compared with those of heifers
Raihana Nasrin Ferdousy A and Hiroya Kadokawa
A Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi-shi, Yamaguchi-ken 1677-1, Japan.
Reproduction, Fertility and Development 34(8) 619-632 https://doi.org/10.1071/RD21130
Published online: 17 March 2022
© 2022 The Author(s) (or their employer(s)). Published by CSIRO Publishing
Collagen, the most abundant extra-cellular matrix in oviducts and uteri, performs critical roles in pregnancies. We hypothesised that the locations and amounts of both denatured collagen and the collagen-specific molecular chaperone 47-kDa heat shock protein (HSP47) in the oviducts and uteri of old cows are different compared with those of young heifers because of repeated pregnancies. Since detecting damaged collagen in tissues is challenging, we developed a new method that uses a denatured collagen detection reagent. Then, we compared damaged collagen in the oviducts and uteri between post-pubertal growing nulliparous heifers (22.1 ± 1.0 months old) and old multiparous cows (143.1 ± 15.6 months old). Further, we evaluated the relationship between denatured collagen and HSP47 by combining this method with fluorescence immunohistochemistry. Picro-sirius red staining showed collagen in almost all parts of the oviducts and uteri. Expectedly, damaged collagen was increased in the oviducts and uteri of old cows. However, damaged collagen and HSP47 were not located in the same area in old cows. The number of fibroblasts increased, suggesting the presence of fibrosis in the oviducts and uteri of old cows. These organs of old cows showed higher HSP47 protein amounts than those of heifers. However, the uteri, but not oviducts, of old cows had lower HSP47 mRNA amounts than those of heifers. These findings revealed the specific location and amounts of denatured collagen and HSP47 in the oviducts and uteri of old cows compared with those of heifers.
Keywords: aging, collagen hybridising peptide, fibroblast, fibrosis, infertility, picro-sirius red stain, ruminants, serpin family H member 1.
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