Thermal-treatment protocol to induce thermotolerance in bovine embryos
Clara S. Oliveira
A Animal Reproduction Laboratory, Embrapa Dairy Cattle, Fazenda Santa Monica Road, Barao de Juparana, Valença, RJ, Brazil.
B Animal Biology Laboratory, Agriculture Research Company of the Rio de Janeiro State (PESAGRO RIO), Sao Boa Ventura Avenue, 770, Niterói, RJ, Brazil.
C Corresponding author. Email:
Reproduction, Fertility and Development 33(7) 497-501
Submitted: 25 November 2020 Accepted: 13 March 2021 Published: 30 April 2021
Artificial reproduction in dairy cattle is challenged by summer temperatures in tropical environments. We describe a treatment based on mild temperature increases to induce thermotolerance and improve the embryo’s performance under heat stress conditions. A protocol was established to induce upregulation of heat shock protein A (HSPA, formerly known as HSP70) but not impair embryonic development. Thermal treatment (TT) had no effect on morula/blastocyst rate or blastocyst quality (cell number and apoptosis). Heat shock given one day after TT revealed higher (P = 0.00) survival rates in TT blastocysts compared with Control. Treated embryos were transferred to recipients and no detrimental effects were observed regarding pregnancy rates, length, fetal growth or calf weight. Our results demonstrated that the established TT protocol could induce a thermal response by the embryo and is safe for further development.

Keywords: heat shock, thermal stress, IVP, IVF, HSP, embryo survival, bovine, HSP70.
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