Caffeine and dithiothreitol delay ovine oocyte ageing
Xiao-Fang Ye A B , Shi-Bin Chen A , Li-Qin Wang A , Yun-Cheng Zhao A , Xue-Feng Lv A , Ming-Jun Liu C and Jun-Cheng Huang A DA Xinjiang Key Laboratory of Animal Biotechnology, Xinjiang Academy of Animal Sciences, Urumqi 830000, China.
B College of Life Science, Xinjiang Normal University, Urumqi 830000, China.
C Key Laboratory of Reproduction and Breeding Biotechnology of Grass-Feeding Livestock, Ministry of Agriculture, Xinjiang Academy of Animal Sciences, Urumqi 830000, China.
D Corresponding author. Email:
Reproduction, Fertility and Development 22(8) 1254-1261
Submitted: 25 March 2010 Accepted: 23 June 2010 Published: 1 October 2010
The intracellular glutathione levels and developmental competence of aged oocytes after parthenogenetic activation, somatic cell nuclear transfer and intracytoplasmic sperm injection in the presence or absence of caffeine or dithiothreitol (DTT) were examined. The following results were found: (1) ovine oocytes were fully aged 30 h post-onset of maturation culture; (2) the appropriate concentrations of caffeine and DTT for oocyte culture were 5 mM and 1 mM, respectively; (3) when nuclear transfer-reconstructed embryos were treated with caffeine or DTT following fusion, no increase in the frequency of development to blastocyst was observed (P > 0.05), but the cell numbers of blastocysts increased (P < 0.05); (4) both caffeine and DTT increased the blastocyst formation rates of intracytoplasmic sperm-injected embryos (P < 0.05); (5) caffeine increased the glutathione content of aged oocytes (P < 0.05). The glutathione content of DTT-treated aged oocytes was higher than that of oocytes matured for 36 h (P < 0.05). In conclusion, caffeine and dithiothreitol delay oocyte ageing but only to a limited extent.
Additional keywords: aged oocyte, development, glutathione.
The authors thank Dr Jia-Xin Zhang for his technical assistance. This study was supported by the Science and Technology Key Project of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (Nos. 200841122 and 200821182) and the National Science Foundation for Post-Doctoral Scientists of China. There are no conflicts of interest in this study.
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