Cryopreservation of manipulated embryos: tackling the double jeopardy
A. Dinnyes A B E and T. L. Nedambale C DA Biotalentum Ltd, Aulich L. 26, Godollo, 2100, Hungary.
B Molecular Animal Biotechnology Laboratory, Szent Istvan University, Pater K. u. 1, 2100, Godollo, Hungary.
C Agricultural Research Council, Animal Production Institute, Germplasm Conservation and Reproduction Biotechnologies, Private Bag X2, Irene 0062, South Africa.
D University of Connecticut, Center for Regenerative Biology, Storrs, CT 06269, USA.
E Corresponding author. Email:
Reproduction, Fertility and Development 21(1) 45-59
Published: 9 December 2008
The aim of the present review is to provide information to researchers and practitioners concerning the reasons for the altered viability and the medium- and long-term consequences of cryopreservation of manipulated mammalian embryos. Embryo manipulation is defined herein as the act or process of manipulating mammalian embryos, including superovulation, AI, IVM, IVF, in vitro culture, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, embryo biopsy or splitting, somatic cell nuclear transfer cloning, the production of sexed embryos (by sperm sexing), embryo cryopreservation, embryo transfer or the creation of genetically modified (transgenic) embryos. With advances in manipulation technologies, the application of embryo manipulation will become more frequent; the proper prevention and management of the resulting alterations will be crucial in establishing an economically viable animal breeding technology.
The authors’ work reported herein was supported by the European Union FP6 (MEDRAT-LSHG-CT-2005–518240 and MRTN-CT-2006–035468), COST Action FA0702; by the Hungarian Government (NKTH/KPI Kozma Ferenc TUDAS-1–2006–0005 project) and a Hungarian–South African Bilateral Scientific and Technological (TET No. OMFB-00302/2008) collaborative project.
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