State of the art in farm animal sperm evaluation
Heriberto Rodríguez-MartínezDivision of Comparative Reproduction, Obstetrics and Udder Health, Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Ullsväg 14C, Clinical Centre, PO Box 7054, SE-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden. Email:
Reproduction, Fertility and Development 19(1) 91-101
Published: 12 December 2006
Our ability to screen the structural and functional integrity of the spermatozoon in vitro has increased markedly over the past decades, but our capacity to estimate the fertility of a semen sample or of the sire from which it has been collected, especially in selected farm animal breeders, has not. The estimation of fertility is constrained by several factors (e.g. type of cell, analysis strength, sperm deposition strategies, recordings of fertility), including the fact that the ejaculate is composed of a diverse sperm population. Such cell heterogeneity is reflected not only in differences in the intactness of attributes needed for fertilisation, such as motility or morphology, but also in the relative ability of the spermatozoa to remain fertile over time, to sustain selection steps and responses to exogenous stimuli similar to those during sperm transport in the female genital tract, all of which account for innate variations in the fertilising ability among doses, ejaculates and sires. Determination of how large such a sperm population with competence for fertilisation and in-built ability to display these attributes under physiological signalling is would allow for a better estimation of fertility, provided that the particular sire produces this sub-population in a repeatable manner. The value of these analyses is discussed in the present paper.
Extra keywords: fertilising ability, fertility estimation, semen analysis.
The author’s studies reported herein have been made possible by grants from FORMAS, formerly the Swedish Council for Research in Forestry and Agriculture (SJFR), and the Swedish Farmer’s Foundation for Agricultural Research (SLF), Stockholm, Sweden.
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